Staff, volunteers, and students code of conduct

Anyone employed, volunteering or has association with Abberley Preschool, should conduct themselves in a professional manner. This code of conduct not only safeguards you, but also the children that you are in contact with. Our code of conduct explains our expectations, what we expect from staff, volunteers, and students.

Staff members must familiarise themselves with our policies and procedures – most importantly – safeguarding and whistleblowing.

Dress code:

Staff: All staff are expected to come into Preschool dress appropriately. All staff are given logo t-shirts and jumpers. These are given to staff free of charge. Alongside the logo tshirts and jumper – we ask that all staff wear black jeans/trousers and in the summer black shorts (if staff would like to wear shorts.). Staff can wear trainers/shoes/boots. All footwear needs to be flat and suitable to work in an environment where staff are very active. If you wear open toe shoes/flip flops, this is at your own risk. All uniform needs to be clean and tidy.

Volunteers: If you are volunteering at preschool for a short amount of time you will need to ensure you come dress appropriately. You will need to wear a black top that doesn’t expose your chest area and long enough to full cover your midriff. Black trousers/jean and footwear that is flat and suitable to work in an active environment. All clothing needs to look professional. If you become a long-term volunteer, then you will receive uniform from the manager.

Students: If you are a student from college, then you will be expected to wear your college uniform that they provide (normally a polo/tshirt with their logo on). Black trousers need to be worn and flat suitable shoes for active work. If you are from a school/college/university that doesn’t provide a uniform for work placement, then please see ‘volunteers’ for your dress code.

Hair: Abberley Preschool understands that staff are individuals. Long hair needs to tied up if you are preparing food for the children/ cooking in the kitchen.

Nails: Individual preference. We don’t mind nail varnish/ nail extensions/ colour. Please remember that you are working with children so we do ask that nails are not too long that they could hurt/scratch a child. When preparing food, gloves need to be worn.

Tattoos: Individual preference. If staff have tattoos that are on show, they cannot be offensive/rude/anything that is inappropriate for children to look at. If you have inappropriate tattoos, you will be asked to cover them up.

Piercings: Please remember that you are working with young children. It would not be appropriate to wear large hoop rings as they could easily get pulled out. Studs are preferred.

Jewellery: Jewellery needs to be kept minimal. Necklaces/ bracelets etc can be worn, but please remember that it can get easily pulled and broken. If jewellery gets broken, then preschool are not liable for this.  

Mobile phones and smart watches:

Mobile phones are to be kept in the wooden stand in the kitchen so management can check where they are at all times.

Smart watches can be worn as long as photos cannot be taken from the watch.

Expectations of the workplace:

We expect anyone that comes into contact with the children in Abberley Preschool, to be professional and behave appropriately. Any behaviours that are deemed unacceptable by management, will be spoken about and verbal/written warnings will be issued. If the staff/volunteer/student carries on after the warnings, then they will be asked to leave with immediate effect.


We expect staff/volunteers/students to act as role models to our young children who we care for. All adults need to be considerate to each other and the children. This may be through using good manners, not using raised voices, checking that everyone is happy and to help tidy up and make sure that all our equipment is clean and well looked after.

Staff need to ensure that they engage with the children during the session. Staff should not be spending excessive time away from the children during the working day. The staff need to be sat at the children’s level, listening, teaching, and playing. Staff can have a drink of tea, and a snack, but should make sure that this isn’t taking a long time out from interacting with the children.


Staff need to always use appropriate language in the setting. This includes no swearing or bad language. Swearing and bad language will result in a warning, and dismissal if seen fit by management.

Staff conversations need to be always appropriate. This means that conversations need to be focussed on work and for the good of the setting and children. Staff chats need to be kept to a minimum if not focussed on the learning and/or development of the children and/or setting.

There should be no raised voices within the setting. Staff do not shout at the children or at any other staff members. If you feel you need to shout due to an emergency that is happening, then after the event, management will speak to you about the incident.

Positive language needs to be constantly used. Staff need to ensure that they are always using positive praise when speaking to the children. We do not intentionally upset anybody with the words we use. If this does happen, then a member of management will become involved to resolve any issues.

Taking time off

Taking time off during term time is down to the discretion of management. You will need to ask management if you can have time off. If this is agreed, then you will need to find appropriate cover for your shift. If you cannot find the appropriate cover then you will not be able to have the time off.


All staff are expected to arrive to their shift 5 minutes early. This is so you can put your personal belongings away, mobile phone on the kitchen stand, so that you are punctual and, in the room, ready for the start of your shift.

Attitudes to work

We expect staff to come into work fresh, happy, work as a team, to give 100% and ready to start the day. We expect a positive outlook and to be ready for a fun filled day. We understand that it is not always possible to feel happy all the time. If you do come into work not feeling happy, then please speak to management. If something is bothering you, and it affects your mood/ability to work then you need to speak to management.  


If staff are not well then management need to know ASAP. If you know you are not going to be available for your shift, then you need to either call or text management as soon as possible. If you are not going to be in for your next shift due to the same illness, then management need to know by midday the day before. If you are off for over a week you will need to get a sicknote from the doctor. Depending on how much time you have off, you may need to come in for a ‘back to work interview’ before returning to ensure you are back to full health.


It is not always possible to do training during work hours. Anybody working in Abberley Preschool should understand that it is a requirement to undertake training which will sometimes be in your own time. Your time will be paid for by Abberley Preschool and any mileage.

All staff are required to keep their paediatric first aid certificates up to date.

All staff are required to keep their safeguarding training up to date.

All staff are required to attend staff meetings – once every half term.


It is important that staff keep information about the children in the setting confidential. Staff are not to discuss any other child’s development/information/behaviours with anyone other than the child’s own families. A breach of confidentiality can lead to a formal warning.  You must also keep any confidential conversations – confidential.

Social Media

Due to us being in a small community, it is understood that staff may already be friends with parents on social media. We ask that staff don’t go out of their way to ‘be friend’ parents on social media. When posting on social media, we expect that staff do not post anything about Preschool on their feeds. They do not discuss Preschool on their social feeds, and they remember our confidentiality policy in regard to the children we look after.


We ensure that staff have a clear enhanced DBS and that they are on the update service. If for whatever reason they are not on the update service, then your DBS will need to be updated every year.